Your company’s ROI is…


Overall improvement

  • Speed: %
  • Productivity: %
  • Customer Experience: %

Fill in your details to see all your KPI improvement calculations


  • How long did it take to complete implementation of your existing claims system?

    Current CMS: | Five sigma CMS: weeks



    Our system will go-live in 3 weeks and will be fully implemented in 10 weeks

  • How long does it take to train an adjuster?

    Current CMS: | Five Sigma CMS: hours



    in your adjusters' training time

  • What is your time estimation for adding a new product/LOB?

    Current CMS: | Five sigma CMS: weeks



    Our system includes configuration tools to help you to do it yourself.

  • How long does it take to update a workflow? (development, implementation & testing)

    Current CMS: | Five Sigma CMS: day



    Our system includes configuration tools to help you to do it yourself.

  • How long does it take to upgrade your system to support higher traffic? (scalability)

    Current CMS: | Five Sigma CMS: weeks



    Five Sigma CMS: 0 weeks


  • Are you setting reserves manually or automatically?

    Current CMS: |

  • How long does it take to assign a claim to adjuster?

    Current CMS: | Five Sigma CMS: hours



    as this is an automated process

  • How long does it take to create management reports?

    Current CMS: | Five sigma CMS: hours



    Our management and monitoring system is VERY user-friendly and built for self-operation. You can create your reports very quickly.

Customer Experience

  • What is your average time to settle a claim?

    Current CMS: | Five sigma CMS: days



    in average time to settle a claim.

  • How long does it take to open a claim?

    Current CMS: | Five Sigma CMS: hours



    in average time to settle a claim.

  • How long does it take to first contact your claimant?

    Current CMS:



    as this is an automated process

  • How long does it take after claim approval to issue a payment?

    Current CMS:



    as this is an automated process